Tri-State Association of Professional Landmen

Welcome to

Tri-State Association of Professional Landmen

TSAPL’s purpose is to offer educational opportunities for its members' benefit, to uphold a high standard of performance and professionalism, and to organize social gatherings to foster fellowship and networking among its members, as well as with the American Association of Professional Landmen and other akin professional entities. The TSAPL is dedicated to serving land professionals located and employed predominantly within the Illinois Basin region.


Application for membership in the TSAPL under any category shall require signed recommendations by at least (2) active members and approval by the Executive Committee.

  • Active membership in the TSAPL shall be available to practicing land professionals who have successfully completed all requirements for a 4-year degree from an accredited college or university, or to practicing land professionals regularly engaged in Landwork relating to the energy and/or minerals industry and who have had a minimum of four (4) years active experience as a land professional. as used herein, the term "Landwork" shall be as defined in the Bylaws of the American Association of Professional Landmen, Inc. (AAPL).

  • Associate membership shall be available to those who are associated with Landwork or supervise such Landwork, or land professionals who do not qualify for Active Membership. An associate member may not vote or hold office.

  • Attorney membership shall be available to all attorneys.

  • At the discretion of the executive Committee, honorary memberships may be bestowed upon distinguished persons. An honorary member will not be required to pay annual dues and shall be excluded from voting and serving upon Executive Committee.

  • Life membership shall be available to all active members 65 years of age or older who have retired from Landwork and have a minimum of five consecutive years of active membership immediately preceding their request for Life Member status.

Tentative Meeting Schedule for 2024 - 2025

Illinois Basin Landwork

September 10 (Google Meet)

October 8

November 12

March (IOGA Convention) Evansville, IN

April 15

May 13

Enhance your professional network with us

Mineral Abstractor
Illinois Landman
Kentucky Landman
Title and Land Services Illinois Indiana Kentucky

2024-2025 Officers

President - Dan Eager

(812) 760-6685 -

Vice President - Sherry Ingram, RPL

(618) 237-6312 -

Secretary - Ryan Kopp, RPL

(812) 217-0743 -

Treasurer - Jessica Kopp

Local Director - Ashley Cissna

(812) 760-6952 -

Local Director - Nick Welch

(317) 496-0923 -

AAPL Regional Director - Ryan Kopp, RPL

Connect with Us

Interested in collaborating with a group of professionals dedicated to promoting high performance and professionalism? Share your details, and we'll reach out promptly. We are excited to engage with you!